Early Kirkland
In 1887, a consortium of speculators, developers, and dreamers headed by a dynamic English steel industrialist sought to transform the scattered wilderness ranches into a steel manufacturing center, the “Pittsburgh of the West.” A boomtown was born, but within a few years, the steel scheme imploded, leaving in its ruins a few resilient families who undertook the arduous, decades-long struggle to forge a town. Matt McCauley’s Early Kirkland provides a new look into Kirkland’s past, from its beginning to 1940.
A Look to the Past: Kirkland
Kirkland native Matt McCauley wrote a popular newspaper column, “A Look to the Past,” in the 1990s in which he tells these stories. A Look to the Past: Kirkland presents 50 of the best, updated with new research, and accompanied by many of images from the Kirkland Heritage Society’s prized photo collection.
Apparel (coming soon!)
Peter Kirk T-shirt

Great Western Iron & Steel Co. T-shirt